Solidity Secrets: The Coding Language Changing the Internet (Part 2)

Solidity Secrets: The Coding Language Changing the Internet (Part 2)

A constructor in Solidity is a special function that is automatically called when a contract is deployed. It is used to initialize the contract's state variables or perform any other setup operations that are necessary before the contract can be used.

In Solidity, the constructor function has the same name as the contract and is declared using the constructor keyword. It cannot be called explicitly and can only be executed once during contract deployment.

pragma solidity >=0.5.0 < 0.9.0;
contract local
    uint public count;
    constructor(uint new_count)public
        count =new_count;

The constructor in Solidity is primarily used for two main purposes:

  • Initializing State Variables: Constructors are used to initialize the state variables of a contract when it is deployed. This allows you to set initial values for variables that define the contract's state.

  • Performing Setup Operations: Constructors can also be used to perform any other setup operations that are necessary before the contract can be used. This can include tasks such as initializing other contracts, setting permissions, or performing checks

Integers in Solidity are used to represent whole numbers. Solidity provides both signed and unsigned integers of various sizes. Here are the main integer types in Solidity:

  • Signed Integers (int): Signed integers can represent both positive and negative numbers. They are defined using the int keyword, followed by the number of bits. For example, int8, int16, int32, int64, int128, and int256.

  • Unsigned Integers (uint): Unsigned integers represent only non-negative numbers (zero and positive numbers). They are defined using the uint keyword, followed by the number of bits. For example, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, uint128, uint256.

  • Default Integers: If no specific size is mentioned, uint256 (unsigned) and int256 (signed) are used by default.

Overflow issues in Solidity occur when the result of an arithmetic operation exceeds the maximum or lowest value that may be stored in a variable. This might cause unexpected behavior and weaknesses in smart contracts. Solidity does not automatically manage overflows and underflows, therefore, developers must be aware of these concerns and add suitable checks and safeguards.By using the SafeMath library, you can ensure that arithmetic operations in your contract are safe and protect against overflow and underflow vulnerabilities.

Important terms:

1. Fixed Array: An array with a fixed number of elements of the same type.

Syntax: uint256[5] public myArray;

2. Dynamic Array: An array where the length can vary during execution.

Syntax: uint256[] public myArray;

3. Byte Array (bytes): An array of bytes, similar to a dynamic array but for bytes.

Syntax: bytes public myBytes;

4. Bytes Array (bytes[]): An array of byte arrays.

Syntax: bytes[] public myBytesArray;

5. Loops: repeating a set of statements a certain number of times or until a condition is met.


for (uint256 i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

// do something


6. If-Else: A conditional statement that executes different code based on a condition.


if (condition) {

// do something

} else {

// do something else


7. Booleans: A data type that can have either a true or false value.

Syntax: bool public myBool;

8. Struct: A user-defined data type that groups variables under a single name.


struct Person {

string name;

uint256 age;


9. Enum: A user-defined data type consisting of a set of named constants.


enum State {





10. Mapping Part A: A way to associate keys with values, like a dictionary.

Syntax: mapping (address => uint256) public balances;

11. Mapping Part B: Using a mapping to create a dictionary-like structure.


mapping (address => Person) public people;

struct Person {

string name;

uint256 age;


12. Storage vs. Memory: Storage refers to the permanent storage on the blockchain, while memory is temporary storage during execution.

13. Global Variable: A variable declared outside of any function, accessible from any part of the contract.

Syntax: uint256 public myNumber;

14. Payable Function: A function that can receive Ether (cryptocurrency) along with a transaction.

Syntax: function myFunction() public payable { }